Robotic Meet-up Mag­a­zino & Reac­tive Robot­ics 11.07.2019

Date and Time

6 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Event Location

Magazino GmbH: Landsberger Straße 234, 80687 Munich, 4th floor


Open Doors at Reac­tive Robot­ics and Mag­a­zino in Munich: You can check on the lat­est devel­op­ments dur­ing var­i­ous robot demos. In addi­tion, you have the oppor­tu­nity to ask ques­tions to our hard­ware and soft­ware experts dur­ing 2 round table session.

In order to par­tic­i­pate, you must down­load your FREE TICKET HERE.


17:30 — 18:00 Arrival
18:00 — 18:15 Wel­come by Reac­tive Robot­ics & Magazino
18:15 — 18:45 Roboter Demo I
18:45 — 19:15 Roboter Demo II
19:15 — 19:45 Round Table Sessions
start­ing at 19:45 net­work­ing & drinks

Drinks and snacks will be served through­out the evening.


Mag­a­zino devel­ops and builds per­cep­tion-con­trolled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe, we rev­o­lu­tion­ize the world of intral­o­gis­tics together with our customers.

Would you like to get to know us at our next Robotic Meet-up?

contact us