No Night­shift?

How pick­ing robots enable 24/7 ware­house oper­a­tion and keep you flexible

Date and Time

11:00am (CET)

Event Location



no nightwshift webinar

In this live webi­nar, we want to share all the basics about imple­ment­ing and run­ning a fleet of mobile pick­ing robots in your footwear ware­house. The next gen­er­a­tion of advanced robots has con­quered many indus­tries in recent years — ware­house automa­tion is no excep­tion. Mobile robots allow you to run 24/7 oper­a­tions while pro­vid­ing all the flex­i­bil­ity and scal­a­bil­ity that is needed in fast-grow­ing e‑commerce businesses.

This webi­nar is for every­one who is new to the topic of robot­ics and automa­tion and wants to learn more about the tech­nol­ogy and its ben­e­fits. We ded­i­cate at least 10–15 min­utes of the event to your questions.

  • Intro: Insights of an advanced robot­ics startup
  • The basics of how the robot works
  • How ware­houses benefit
  • How much does it cost and how much can you save?
  • Live Demo with the robot TORU
  • Q & A — Time for your questions

Mag­a­zino devel­ops and builds per­cep­tion-con­trolled, mobile robots. As the largest Advanced Robot­ics team in Europe, we rev­o­lu­tion­ize the world of intral­o­gis­tics together with our customers. 

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