Working Student (f/m/x) Remote Operator Robotics

We are look­ing for a Work­ing Stu­dent (f/m/x) Remote Oper­a­tor Robot­ics in a part-time posi­tion in our office in Munich, or Remote.

6. December 2023


In Remote Oper­a­tion we are on the fore­front of oper­a­tion by mon­i­tor­ing our robots for prob­lems and jump­ing in when they need help. Have you ever won­dered how robot fleets actu­ally work in the field? If you’re up for the chal­lenge of tack­ling new robot­ics issues every day, we are the team for you!

We are look­ing for a Work­ing Stu­dent (f/m/x) Remote Oper­a­tor Robot­ics to com­plete our team.

Your tasks

  • You are respon­si­ble for the smooth oper­a­tion of our robot fleets at our cus­tomers’ sites by receiv­ing, analysing and solv­ing prob­lem cases
  • At Mag­a­zino, you are directly on the pulse of our robots and find cre­ative solu­tions for chal­leng­ing prob­lems in the area of robotics
  • You ana­lyze and trou­bleshoot unplanned soft­ware and hard­ware behav­ior and pro­vide feed­back on our inter­nal processes
  • You work with state-of-the-art soft­ware tools and are an inte­gral part of an evolv­ing ser­vice organization
  • You steer the robot fleet through the most com­plex sit­u­a­tions and orches­trate the local teams in the shoe ware­houses of Europe
  • You are in direct exchange with our soft­ware devel­op­ment team to fur­ther improve our products
  • You work com­fort­ably from your home office or from our head office in Munich

Your pro­file

  • You are enrolled in your stud­ies and are pas­sion­ate about com­puter sci­ence, mecha­tron­ics, elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing, indus­trial engi­neer­ing, or similar
  • You have good knowl­edge of the com­mand line under Linux (com­mands like ls, ssh, scp are not for­eign to you)
  • You have already gained some expe­ri­ence in robot­ics, espe­cially with ROS
  • You are will­ing to work alter­nately in the team of remote oper­a­tors, also in early/late shifts (e.g. from 05:30 am or until 11:30 pm) or on Sat­ur­days (flex­i­ble plan­ning tak­ing into account the lec­ture times)
  • You have an open and proac­tive personality
  • You are flu­ent in Eng­lish, and very good Ger­man is an advantage

Why you should join us

  • Cut­ting-edge tech­nol­ogy: As pio­neers in robot­ics we are able to nav­i­gate and manip­u­late with­out rails and guides and offer solu­tions to processes that no one could auto­mate ever before!
  • Team: We are an inter­na­tional team with more than 25 nation­al­i­ties. You’ll work in a team with excep­tion­ally smart, hum­ble, col­lab­o­ra­tive and hard­work­ing individuals.
  • Cul­ture: Come as you are! Join a vibrant, inven­tive, and diverse team that val­ues col­lab­o­ra­tion over hier­ar­chy. To inno­vate you need to fail from time to time — we always learn and improve.
  • Work­place: Our office is located near the S‑Bahn sta­tion “Hirschgarten”. We work in a loft-style office with great equip­ment, our own work­shop and test­ing area.
  • Full Board: You don’t feel like think­ing about what you want to have for lunch tomor­row, not to men­tion prepar­ing it? Luck­ily, our french cook treats us with a freshly cooked free lunch every­day! And as the cherry on top, there is a packed fridge with drinks, fresh fruits and of course coffee!
  • Flex­i­bil­ity: Flex­i­bil­ity is a top pri­or­ity for us. Our hybrid work­ing model for posi­tions where pres­ence is dis­pens­able helps to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
  • Ben­e­fits: We offer attrac­tive hol­i­day, health care, and com­pen­sa­tion pack­ages. Learn more about our cur­rent ben­e­fits here.


At Mag­a­zino fos­ter­ing inclu­siv­ity is very impor­tant to us. We are ded­i­cated to cre­ate an inclu­sive envi­ron­ment for all can­di­dates and pro­vide equal oppor­tu­ni­ties to all qual­i­fied appli­cants regard­less of gen­der, eth­nic­ity, age, national ori­gin, sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion, cul­ture, or edu­ca­tion. If you need any rea­son­able adjust­ments to make the appli­ca­tion process acces­si­ble for you, we’ll do our best to accom­mo­date you. Feel free to approach us for that! 

Mag­a­zino stands for robot­ics in a real world appli­ca­tion with the best ROS team in Europe with which we are on the edge of new tech­nolo­gies. We offer inter­est­ing and chal­leng­ing tasks, respon­si­bil­ity from the begin­ning, free­dom of choice, a relaxed atmos­phere, a bun­dle of ben­e­fits and a fan­tas­tic team. Are you inter­ested in how this looks like? Come and see!